MDI has a large experience in advisory in litigation cases, as well as international arbitration process. MDI service in this area includes complex advisory (also legal, as MDI cooperates with leading law companies) and all media and PA activities. For TP, which for over a decade was in legal dispute with Danish company DPTG, that claimed for damages approx. EUR 800 mln (the case was over thanks to the settlement on EUR 550 mln signed in January 2012), MDI carried out strategic advisory project including media and Public Affairs activities. MDI consultants took part in dispute between J&S Energy (owned by Mercuria Energy Group) and state treasury. In result of incorrectly penalty fee (EUR 130 mln) imposed by the Material Reserves Agency (ARM), the state treasury was obligated to return the fee with the interests. Regardless form the dispute in Poland, MEG brought an action against Poland in Arbitral Tribunal in Stockholm argued unequal treatment by the state authorities. We also advised the clients during the works of the special parliamentary investigative commission for the so-called "Orlen case".